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We are happy to share our 2022-2025 Spartanburg County Community Health Improvement Plan
Download a copy of the CHIP by clicking on the images below.
What are social determinants of health?
Health outcomes are the result of a combination of factors. While access to regular care from a physician to treat a medical condition is essential, addressing the circumstances and barriers that led to the medical condition in the first place is also essential.
The Centers for Disease Control defines the social determinants of health as the “conditions in the places where people live, learn, work, and play that affect a wide range of health and quality-of life-risks and outcomes.” These conditions include access to and quality of care, access to and quality of education, the social and community contexts in which people live, economic stability, and the neighborhood and built environment in which people live.
Live Healthy Spartanburg is focused on identifying and addressing the unique social determinants that affect our community’s outcomes and serve as barriers to health for our residents.
Life Expectancy in Spartanburg County
The partners who have come together to support the work of Live Healthy Spartanburg represent a diverse group of local residents, non-profit and social service organizations, health care providers, businesses and government institutions. Collectively, they have committed to improving community health outcomes and health equity in Spartanburg County.
While each organization and person has unique perspective, experience and expertise to contribute, one stark, sobering piece of data has served to galvanize the Spartanburg community around this work: the 18-year difference in life expectancy for babies born in different, neighboring zip codes in Spartanburg.
It’s true: while people in one of our community’s most affluent zip codes enjoy a life expectancy of 85 years, their neighbors just 2 miles away in one of our community’s most under-resourced zip codes have a life expectancy of just 67 years.
Community Health Needs Assessment
We encourage you to download and read the full Community Health Needs Assessment, which was completed in 2019. That report is guiding much of our work, including the following key takeaways:
Spartanburg Racial Equity Index
We encourage you to download and read our community’s 2021 Racial Equity Index. This report shows significant disparities in health outcomes by race and compares the results previously found in the 2018 Racial Equity Index.
Among its key findings:
The poverty rate for Black residents in the City of Spartanburg is 3x that of White residents.
Black residents reported a 57% increase in poor mental health days from 2016 to 2020.
Of homes in Spartanburg County are owned by Black residents vs. 80% owned by White residents.
Moving Toward a Healthier Spartanburg County
Spartanburg County’s Health Snapshot shows that we ranked 18th out of 46 counties in South Carolina for health outcomes, which measures length and quality of life, and ranked 7th for health factors, which measures health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and physical environment.